Saturday, April 16, 2011

Vote mobs

During the last election, when I was still a student, the feeling on campus was one of hopelessness and apathy. People felt that voting was useless because change wouldn't happen, no matter the amount of effort put in by the "common people." I was sure this election would have more of the same (only 30% of youth voted last time) until I saw the videos of Vote Mobs. Here is the link to the video. I wanted to embed it but it kept crashing my blog, but please take the time to watch it. It's just this incredible thrilling feeling to watch the youth of the nation rise up for a cause.


  1. Great video! Here are a couple Vote Mobs happening in Saskatoon:

  2. I'd like to hit the one on Thursday, but I work Saturday so I'll miss out on the dancing.
