Wednesday, April 6, 2011

That old book of faces

I feel very ambivalent about Facebook. On the one hand it is a good tool for keeping track of people who don't live nearby, or people you used to know but now don't really want to catch up with but still want to find out how they are doing. On the other hand Facebook has stated (as a corporation) that they don't believe in privacy and that they basically own everything you post until the end of forever. Now maybe it's just a life time of living with tech-savvy and paranoid people but that really creeps me out big time. If you do something, and someone takes a picture and posts it, then that picture exists on the net until the end of time. It's one thing to say don't do anything stupid, but shouldn't people be aloud a youthful indiscretion or two without it ruining career chances well into adulthood?

I did use Facebook to plan my wedding, and boy did it make life so much easier. I got in touch with my husband's family with only a few button clicks. Things are easy to plan and carry out on Facebook, which is why flashmobs use it. But all of this only happens if people use it. Facebook was the default social media for several years, now that it's starting to splinter will the new sources be as useful?

I guess the most important part of enjoying Facebook is to put more into it. If you ignore it for weeks then you will be ignored upon return. Check it every hour and you have a thriving Facebook life. Me, I'd rather live IRL then in Facebook but I'm old fashioned that way.


  1. ROTFLASTC* at your Label "Thing I forget what number" I dunno HOW many times I have had to save or post and then go check and then go back and assign the number - too bad I have a 6 digit memory.

    *initialism from my freenet days: rolling on the floor laughing and scaring the cat

  2. At least she's not doing it in the street and scaring the horses. I am glad to find more and more people as careful of Facebook as I am. In fact the more people I talk to about it, the more I find just aren't interested. I wonder would Google docs or the like would work for wedding arranging etc as well. Perhaps not?

  3. Not sure. I did use a spread sheet to keep track of invitations, RSVPs and thank you notes and that was a great tool. We used a web site to keep people informed but since most of my family is digital immigrant age they mostly just asked my mom instead (facepalm).
