Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Wrap up and sad endings

So this is the end of the 23 Things program and I'm really going to miss it. I seem to be the kind of person who needs a lot of help keeping up digitally, or at least I lose a lot between Library 2.0 classes. A side effect of taking this program that I will miss is the introduction to many people at work that I don't see daily. I got a chance as the newbie to see opinions and interests that I might not get to see on my own. I also got to sign up for book making, something I've been interested in but unable to self teach myself.

One thing I wish had been a thing was some kind of music program. I realize that it's hard to find something that shares music legally, and that it isn't directly related to libraries. I just think that with the way 99% of students seem to have their ipods turned on 99% of the time it might have a tenuous link to libraries. Maybe we could create a "study time in the library" playlist? I guess that's just because I really like music. I still think the library 23 things program was really awesome, and I'm glad that I joined and that others created and participated.

One thing I will take away from this project (other than the programs) is a new love for photography. I'm still really bad at it! But I know people on the Internet might still find my cruddy pictures a little interesting so I'll keep at it for a while.

I know that I will not blog as often now that this is done, and I know most won't blog at all but I hope some people will. I'll be going back to talking about manga, but I think I'll add posts about other things that come to mind too. I hope those of you that enjoyed me will check back occasionally, and that you'll like what's here. Thanks for reading all, and I'll see you at work.