Wednesday, March 2, 2011

The Prezi pretzel

So I love Prezi. One thing that bothered be about Microsoft PowerPoint is the squareness and the liner aspect. That's just not how I roll. But Prezi is so different, it looks the way I think, by grouping ideas and concepts together. This is the first time I could visually map out my leapfrog brain, not that every thought is there but it's a loose approximation. So yeah, it's a little random, but come see my prezi pretzel.

One thing that troubles me. In power point you can add sound files, but other than the YouTube videos I can't seem to add one to prezi. Kind of funny, all these presentations about music but you can't add any in the background to listen to.


  1. good point about the music files, i never even thought about that..

  2. Yay! Nice Prezi, Kim! And I love, love, love that video.

  3. I love that video too! And looks like you've mastered prezi as I was unable too. Do you know how to make my closeup's not go in too close?

  4. Great prezi - love that video too! Have you seen OK Go's video for White Knuckles? Love that one too. :) I'm impressed with all these prezis - I think I'm much too uncreative for this thing.

  5. Mmm, I'm not sure about close ups but maybe if you make brackets and have it zoom into those instead?

    Leah, I haven't seen it yet, but I'll go now. I love this one because I built Goldberg machines when I was a kid. Not this awesome, but still pretty cool.
