Friday, February 11, 2011

Blogged down in blogs :)

So I've decided to try to follow everyone on the 23 Things list. I hope no one thinks that's creepy, it's just how we went about things in Library school. I think it helped encourage people to know they weren't writing into a void, I think knowing that I was talking to myself once the class ended was a major factor in my stopping. I suppose my wedding and the massive amounts of planning might have been a factor too. :)

One thing I've noticed is that everyone seems really excited about the 23 Things project. Not a single person has said "well I guess I'll do this, since it looks like I'll need it." I find it pretty exciting too. Sadly, despite the fact that I just finished a Library 2.0 class last year there are parts of it that are already out of date. Or at least tools I've never seen before.

So that's my goal for taking this class, to keep up with the rapid change in social media and other Internet tools. I'm naturally not adept with computers (there are days when I'm sure my laptop is possessed by some kind of trickster demon) and could use all the help I can get. I have a small crazy fear of being the only girl in her twenties who has less computer knowledge then her 80 year old grandma. To be honest, my grandma is pretty spiffy and could probably kick my butt at most things but still... :)

Well whatever, blogging is really fun and I'm glad to get back into it. I'm going to try adding more posts on Manga, so you can read or skip those as you please. Have a great weekend folks!

P.S. Registering my blog was a lot easier than I feared.

1 comment:

  1. You should add an addendum that the whole registering process was actually kind of a hassle. ;) Sorry for the email troubles. Glad we finally got you linked up here.

    I'm enjoying your blog posts too!
