Thursday, January 24, 2013

I am bad and I should feel bad

Turns out I don't use most of the cool tools that ifttt connects for you. Now I have to go learn all of the things. That gets both a :( and a :) from me. I swear I will get somewhat tech savvy one of these days!

IFTTT is a gift for lazy people

So ifttt stands for "if This then That" and it connects different media actions for you. You can set it up (for instance) to post to Facebook every time you create a blog post. You can get it to do so many different things automatically and without thought on your part, kind of like your lungs breathing in air or your heart beating. It can be a great time saver, or a new way to waste it. I'll let you know how it turns out for me.

A new thing I'm trying

So I'm going to try out the brainchild of Library 23 things. It's called Year for Productivity and it looks really great. Lets see how far I get!